Sclerotherapy is used to treat the visible veins that can appear on the lower legs. These veins are common especially if your job requires you to stand on your feet for long periods of time. These veins also tend to worsen with pregnancy. Sclerotherapy is an in-office procedure where a scleroscing agent is injected into the veins. A tiny needle is used which minimizes discomfort and most patients describe the feeling as a small prick. After the treatment, the walls of the veins are irritated, which causes them to collapse. Some patients require a series of treatments for adequate improvement. After your treatment, you can expect the veins to be resolved or barely noticeable, allowing you to wear your shorts with confidence.
Laser Vein Treatment
Vascular lasers are used to treat visible veins, often referred to as spider veins. Spider veins can develop over time and often worsen with pregnancy. Veins can appear throughout the body but some common areas include the lower legs and around the eyes. Lasers are often utilized when veins are too small to treat with sclerotherapy (injections). With a series of treatments, lasers can improve or eliminate veins.